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Crazy Chase

School activities really burn me out. That's why I usually doze off on public transportation on my way home. That afternoon the habit took its toll. As soon as I had secured a nice seat by the window, and slide open the windowpane, I fell asleep. When I finally got up only to find that I had way passed my destination, I panicked. "Stop...stop!" I shouted and jumped off the vehicle. On the street, I still couldn't make head nor tail of my whereabouts. I decided to cross the street. As I was about to do it, I heard someone shouting angrily behind me. I turned around and saw a man waving at me. I didn't know what I was thinking but I ran off like crazy, crossing the street recklessly to get away from him. But he tailed me. Now I was really terrified. Passersby were beginning to crowd to watch the chase. The man finally stopped and again, shouted at me, "Miss, will you just stop running! I just want to ask for
your bus fare. You forgot to pay it."

Answer the questions according to the short recount above.
1. When was it taking place?

2. Why did the writer pass his destination?

3. Why did the writer run?
4. What did the man want actually?

Sick Hero

       One day  when I was doing a school math examination,  I felt dizzy and sick. I tried to do all my activities but I couldn't stand it anymore so I decided to go home then. During my journey home, I found money  but it was not valuable to me. It was only 1 cent coin  and soon I forgot about that. I kept on walking home though I felt more and more dizzy.  I slowed my walk like  snail and then I crossed the zebra crossing and walked through shops and markets. I met my old friend from elementary school and he knew I studied in High School. I chatted with him  but I didn't want to tell him about my sickness. I finished my chat several minutes later and straight walked home again.
             when I got near to an ATM machine,  I noticed there was a  hole there. With all the dizziness,  and confusion in my mind,  I thought a thief had stolen money from it. I wanted to call a police but I didn’t know where I could find the police station around here. I didn’t know about the emergency number for calling the police either. So, I kept on walking straight home. Suddenly, I collided with someone and I saw him bringing a big bag.  He immediately ran straight forward. But in his bag I could see a small hole where I could see some papers and a paper  flew from it.  It was money !!! And I thought right away he was the thief.
           I chased him. I tried to catch him but he was very fast . Fortunately, I brought my skateboard with me in my backpack. But, when I wanted to use it on the sidewalk, there was a police chasing the thief. I couldn't help  chasing him also but I felt little dizzy and sick. I went after him anyway  about  4 blocks following the road he went. Unfortunately he didn’t drive a car so it was very easy catching him. And finally, I could knock him out with my skill in skateboarding. Many Police came after that and arrested him. Policemen thanked me for helping them to catch him. The Police rewarded me with 20 dollars and a medal.
           After the incident I did not feel dizzy and sick anymore. I continued my journey home with my skateboard then. I saved the money given by the police in my money deposit box and I used all my savings to buy a Nintendo Dual Screen.

Answer the questions according to the short recount above.
1.   Why did the writer decide to go home?
2.   Who did he meet on his way home?
3.   What happened to the ATM machine?
4.   Who did he bump into?
5.   Why did he chase the thief?
6.   Who else chased the thief?
7.   Was the writer successfull in catching the thief?
8.   What happened to his dizzyness then?
9.   What did he get from catching the thief?
10. What did he use the money for at the end?

*I copied this directly from somebody's work to show  an example of recount text to my students
Recount Recounts tell the reader what happened. They retell a past event eg a visit to a farm.
Recounts begin by telling the reader who was involved, what happened, where this event took place and when it happened. This is called the orientation.
The sequence of events is then described in some sort of order
eg time.
There may be a reorientation at the end which summarises the event.
Example of a recount: shows the structure and language features of a recount text.

Recount: example
This sample recount is labelled to show you the structure and language features of a recount text.


A visit to a sheep property

Last holidays I visited a sheep property. I helped in the shearing sheds and in the yards.
sequence of events
On the first day the Merino wethers were crutched. I helped by sweeping up after the rouseabout picked up the wool pieces. Shearers start early (at 7.30 am).
After lunch, we started shearing the lambs. There were more than 400 so we didn't finish until the next day. Once again I was sweeping and picking up dags.
I was tired by the end of the day in the shed but our work wasn't finished. We all had to help to get the wethers and lambs back into the paddocks. As well, we had to get a mob of ewes and their lambs into the yards for shearing the next day. Then it was time for tea (that's what my nanna calls dinner).
This was a very long day but I enjoyed it a lot.

Key to language features:

past tense

action terms

indicates when

indicates where

focuses on individuals

Writing recounts
When writing recounts you should:

• focus on individual people ie use the words, I or we • use words which indicate when (eg after lunch) and where the events took place (eg in the shed)
• write in the past tense eg had, visited
• use action words eg helped, crutched.

Dalam bahasa Inggris bagi siswa yang sedang belajar mungkin menemukan dimana kata kerja itu tidak bisa diterjemahkan per kata dan kalau diterjemahkan per kata artinya pun akan menyimpangkan dari arti sesungguhnya. Kecendurungan anak yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris pun menerjemahkan per kata padahal tidak bisa dilakukan demikian. Ini sering menjadi masalah bagi siswa di sekolah karena didalam bahasa Indonesia kita tidak mengenal kata kerja seperti ini.

Contoh kata yang akan kita pelajari adalah get diikuti oleh tambahan kata setelahnya yang mejadikan sebuah kata kerja dengan satu arti kata.

kata get dengan preposition
get up; get in; get to; get out; get by; get along; get around;   get on; etc

Kata get dengan adjective
get busy; get lucky; get nervous; get sick; get grouchy; etc

Penggunaan get dengan setiap pasangan kata memberikan arti berbeda-beda bahkan ada yang mempunyai multi arti.

Get up = bangun; get in= masuk;  get out= keluar ; get to=sampai  ; get along= akur;  get on= naik ;
get by= melewati 

Get busy= menyibukan diri        get nerveous= grogi       get sick= sakit   get grouchy= mudah marah
get lucky = beruntung

Penggunakan kata get + preposition atau get + adjective diatas menjadikannya sebagai kata kerja atau verb dalam satu kesatuan dengan "get".

Contoh penggunaan demikian:

  • I don't get along with him. ( saya tidak akur dengan dia)
  • If you are too idle why don't you get busy. ( jika kamu terlalu luang, sibukanlah diri anda)
  • I often time get nervous speaking infront of educated people. ( Saya sering kali grogi berbicara didepan orang orang yang berpendidikan)
  • I got sick during the holidays  that I could not go anywhere. ( Saya sakit pada waktu liburan hari raya sehingga saya tidak bisa pergi kemana-mana)

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